Here's how the week went down:
Monday: Easy/recovery
AM: 4.1 miles in 34:45
PM: 0
Just an easy 4 miles on the 'mill to get the week started.
Miles for the day: 4.1
Tuesday: Easy
AM: 7.35 miles with Nick in 1:03
PM: 0
Felt pretty OK. Nick was pokey as hell, so our pace was pretty slow. Very nice weather--31 degrees and clear. Plus, the last 30 minutes were in daylight (not for long). Enjoyed this nice weather while it lasted; the next day's forecast was fierce (ice, snow, super cold).
Miles for the day: 7.35
Wednesday: Mile repeats
AM: 3x1 mile at 6:00/maxed out treadmill with half-mile recoveries; 9 miles in 1:07.
PM: 0
I don't care who you are; mile repeats are tough and they're even tougher when they're at 6,200 feet above sea level. Had to do these indoors as it was 7 degrees and snowing outside. Underneath the snow was a thick coat of ice, so I didn't even flirt with the idea of running outside. Got through my intervals feeling pretty good.
Mile for day: 9
Thursday: Easy
AM: 7.6 miles in 1:04
PM: 3.6 miles in 30 minutes
Super cold but clear in the AM. With ice everywhere, had to watch every step and be careful. Felt good during my PM run.
Miles for day: 11.2
Friday: Easy
AM: 8.3 miles in 1:06
PM: 5.05 miles in 41 minutes, running very muddy trails
I was tired and labored during my morning run. Just couldn't get into a groove and never felt comfortable--probably delayed onset fatigue from Wednesday's intervals. So, I took it easy. However, I felt great during my afternoon run on muddy trails near our neighborhood. My pace would have been much faster had I not been slowed by a combination of mud, ice, snow and deep water. Good training for Bighorn, given the legendary mud there.
Miles for day: 13.35
Saturday: Easy
AM: 10 miles with Nick in 1:26
PM: 4 miles on muddy trails in 35 minutes
Felt brutal during my morning run--tired, groggy, and flat--despite getting a hefty 9+ hours of sleep the night before. So, I bailed after 10 miles. Once again, felt pretty good during my afternoon run, hitting muddy trails and coming back a mess. Not sure what's going on but I'm starting to see a trend of feeling rough in the mornings and good in the afternoons. Started listening to a Talk Ultra interview with Karl Egloff, who broke Kilian Jornet's FKT records on Aconcagua and Kilimanjaro.
Miles for day: 14
Sunday: Long
AM: 20 miles solo in 2:48 plus 1.2-mile cool-down in 13 minutes with Noah; about 1,500 feet of vertical
PM: 0
Don't you love losing an hour's sleep to daylight saving time? Oh yeah, and once again you're back in the dark. Was surprised to still not feel good. Just sluggish, slow and labored. However, the endurance was there (obviously). Made the decision to rest a bit next week. This was my 43th consecutive day of running. Was great to finish the morning's miles with Noah; he's getting faster and really seems to enjoy running. Finished up the Karl Egloff interview plus all the rest of the action on Talk Ultra, which, along with and Trail Runner Nation, is the cream of the crop, in my eyes at least.
Miles for day: 21.2
Total miles for week: 80.3
Total miles for year: 645
The week ended with me feeling less than 100%--a lot less. So, next week will see reduced volume. The only quality will probably be hill repeats--yep, gotta start getting after them. Then the following week the volume will be back up there, hopefully with some real trail running. The trails right now are horrible. It's hard to believe, but the racing season is just around the corner. Fortunately, I feel like my training is in a good place at this early date. Just ordered a new supply of S!Caps to get me through the season.
Just to elaborate on the podcast rant above, here are my favorite endurance-related podcasts in no particular order:, Talk Ultra, Trail Runner Nation and Rich Roll. There are lots of other good ones but those are my tops.
Onward and upward!