What a holiday break! Not since graduate school have I enjoyed
such a long break—a full eleven days in which I spent lots of quality time with
my family, including a few ski outings to the mountains, and went on some really
fun runs. After a few years of talking about it, I finally attended a
run, joining the club on Saturday, December 29 for a rather chilly 22-miler on the Sante Fe Trail and
Falcon loop in Colorado Springs. I'll be running more with CRUD this year--they like to run long and they're all super nice guys and gals. In addition to putting in some miles with CRUD, I'm also excited about their annual pancake-eating contest.
On New Year’s Day, I ventured back down to
the Colorado Springs area, where I ran the
Manitou Incline (1 mile "long," 2,000 vertical feet up to 8,600 feet) and then up to
Barr Camp and back,
climbing a rather stout 4,000 feet. It was very cold at 10,200 feet! After months of grinding out hundreds of
road miles, it was great to get back on the trail. I definitely have some work
to do in redeveloping my climbing muscles.
From the top of the Manitou Incline on New Year's Day.
1 mile long, 2,000 feet of vertical. |
With the Rock ‘n Roll Arizona Marathon (Phoenix) now a
little less than three weeks away, I think it’s fair to say “the hay’s in the
barn.” And so the taper begins. I’m very pleased with how my training has
progressed. The key word here is “progressed,” because my training has been a
gradual build-up designed to (hopefully) get me in peak shape for the race. I’ve
hit lots of solid quality and also managed some decent quantity. In December, I
ran 310 miles (41.5 hours), ending the year with 3,407 miles (I had originally thought
I’d end 2013 with 3,500 miles but a math error had me off by 100 miles). Those
310 miles in December included lots of marathon goal-pace running. My Phoenix
training included five runs of 20+ miles, including the 22-miler with CRUD
three weeks out.
At this point, my goal for Phoenix is a 2:55. I’ll make
adjustments as needed, but my plan of attack will center around running even
splits (6:40/mile, 1:27:30 at the half) the whole way. If I can get to the
20-mile mark in 2:12 or 2:13, I’ll have a real shot at 2:55. A 2:55 will get me
an early entry into the 2014 Boston Marathon.
Fortunately, I’m feeling in shape and lean. I'm about 163-164 pounds. I’ve recently
cut back on wheat products, such as bagels, and I’ve noticed that my
mid-section is now leaner. My new favorite breakfast consists of a few eggs
along with some Greek yogurt. I still eat lots of quality carbohydrates, but I’m
trying to really limit the amount of grains I’m consuming. The other day I had
a bagel—my first bagel in a long time—and I nearly got sick from it. I can’t do
bagels anymore. Greek yogurt is what tastes good now. I’m also eating lots of
fresh fruit, such as strawberries, bananas, pineapple and tangerines. I haven’t
been this lean in a few years. I do think my body craves certain things in the
winter months—fruit being among them.
As far as my taper, it'll involve continued intensity/quality but less overall volume. The purpose of the intensity is to keep my muscles firing, while the reduced volume will allow my legs to freshen up for the big race.
Even as I’m focused on Phoenix, I didn’t delay a second in
registering for the 2013 Leadville Trail 100-Mile Run. Registration opened the
morning of New Year’s Day and I’ll bet it’ll close out by mid-January. Though
Leadville has always been a popular race,
McDougall’s book has clearly taken it
to a new level. At this point, my only goal for Leadville is to reestablish
myself as a sub-25-hour finisher and earn my third El Plato Grande buckle (shown below).
I’ll be spending a lot more time training on
the course and will even do some overnight trips. I'm now accruing some camping supplies for those trips, such as my brand-new Primus propane stove.
Perfect for cooking oatmeal, eggs, spaghetti, Ramen and you name it!
Next up: a propane-powered coffee maker! |
In 2012, my only on-course training was a night run held by
Brandon Fuller. Starting a new job in February, I simply didn’t have a lot of time to
venture up to Leadville in 2012, and so I entered the race in good shape, but
not in “Leadville shape.” The key to Leadville prep—and I realize this isn’t
exactly new information—is high-altitude training. Who'd have ever thought that was the key to success in a race at 10,000+ feet?
If my Phoenix build-up approach pays off, I’m going to carry
it over to Leadville—but not without first taking a few weeks off to give my body a rest and allow my right foot, which is still kind of tweaked, to fully heal. For the past
few years I think I’ve been starting my training way too early and peaking well
before Leadville, leaving me in a compromised state on race day. Looking back
on 2012, I had very solid outings at the Cheyenne Mountain 50K in April and
Mount Evans Ascent in mid-June, but then the wheels kind of came off in July. I
do think a lack of sleep in July killed me, but I’ve come to the realization
that I have a very solid base and so my focus needs to be on quality. Quality
includes super long runs, which I’ve been lax about for a few years now. So
rather than log a week of 90 miles with a long run of 18 miles (an average Leadville
training week for the past few years), I might drop my quantity to 80 miles and
include a 25-30-miler in there, along with planned rest weeks. My Phoenix training
has helped me reestablish good long-run discipline, but once again I’ve done a
bad job with planned rest weeks.
I have no clue what my 2013 racing schedule will be. All I
know is that I’ll be at Phoenix on January 20 and Leadville on August 17. I’d
like to fit in a 50-miler somewhere—Jemez, Collegiate Peaks, North Fork or
maybe Silver Rush. I kind of like the July timing of Silver Rush, but part of
me thinks I won’t have enough time to recover for the 100. North Fork is the
same weekend as a planned outing to Leadville, so that’s not looking good. That leaves Jemez and Collegiate Peaks. I did Jemez in 2011 (the old pre-fire course) and it was, mile for mile, the hardest course I've ever done. Period. I'd kind of like to see what the new course is like. I’ll
make a decision soon.